Self-Care4 Nurses: Contemplative Education: What is it, Why is it important and How is it related to Personal Self-Care?

Thursday, March 17, 2016; 1:30p-3:30p Columbus Whetstone Library ; 3909 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214

The focus of this program is personal self-renewal for nurses and nurse educators. This session is largely experiential and focused on community building. After a brief review of key concepts including stress, wellbeing, therapeutic capacity and contemplative education participants will have the opportunity to practice a meditation designed to help them reconnect with the healing potential of self-awareness and self-care. Group discussion will center on major shared concerns as educators, personal and educational strategies that have been successful to integrating self-care in daily life and suggestions for future workshop topics of interest. Please plan to attend—reconnect and recommit to your personal self-care and offer your suggestions to enhance contemplative education in our colleges and institutions.

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